Wednesday, January 30, 2013


This week most of our class managed to go to Polaris to draw people on their individual shopping missions. I felt like I didn't get much this session due to finding a good spot to sketch. Also, there didn't seem to be much individuality between people walking around (except for a few) unless the were in a store shopping. What I found more entertaining were the children. Lots of kids that were there had a variety of steps and expressions. For example, there was screen AD near the Apple store, where I set up base, and there were two children in coats bouncing around it and swinging their arms around. It was cute and hilarious and I believe I managed to capture one of them in these sketches.

I'll have better luck next time with the amount of sketches.

1 comment:

  1. Tyler,
    There are a few successful results here - where weight shift is present and you're looking to the figure in motion.
    However, most of these are too static. There is form and character - but you're not looking for gesture and weight shift more. I was there that afternoon and it was everywhere - people against rails, opening store doors, reaching for items - if you look harder, you will find those more interesting poses.
    The 2nd page is your best result.
